Thursday, June 2, 2011

Alrighty, sorry for that long break there!

May 2nd- May 3rd

After an 8 hour plane ride we arrived in Berlin at 8am (7 hour time difference). Needless to say we are rather out of it. While I stumbled around the airport looking for an exchange place, my brother found us a highly rated hostel. We then found a bus to take us to the the subway station. Where we gazed in wonder at how it worked.

Illustration of what the map may have looked like to me at that moment.

Thanks to my brother, we finally found the hostel where they informed us that the room wouldn't be ready until 2pm. We set our stuff down, explored a bit and found some delish food. That's a wonderful thing about Berlin, they have plenty of cheap fresh food.

We finally got into our room. I discovered that a hostel is a wonderful way to meet people from all over the world. We met a very nice Swedish couple, an Australian, and two German ladies. We talked with them for a bit and began to pass out, for a long time...

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